domenica, ottobre 18, 2015

La solitude du philosphe

Si bien qu'en attaquant le philosophe on se donne la honte d'attaquer une enveloppe modeste, pauvre et chaste; ce qui décuple la rage impuissante; et le philosophe n'offre aucune prise, bien qu'il prenne tous les coups. Là prend tout son sens la solitude du philosophe. Car il ne peut s'intégrer dans aucun milieu, il n'est bon pour aucun.
Gilles Deleuze
Spinoza - Philosophie pratique
Les éditions de Minuit, Paris, 1981

martedì, ottobre 13, 2015

And all the Arts of Life, they chang’d into the Arts of Death in Albion.

And all the Arts of Life, they chang’d into the Arts of Death in Albion.
The hour-glass contemned, because its simple workmanship
Was like the workmanship of the plowman, and the water-wheel
That raises water into cisterns, broken and burn’d with fire,
Because its workmanship was like the workmanship of the shepherd ;
And in their stead intricate wheels invented, wheel without wheel,
To perplex youth in their outgoings, and to bind up labours in Albion
Of day and night the myriads of eternity, that they may grind
And polish brass and iron hour after hour, laborious task;
Kept ignorant of its use, that they might spend the days of wisdom
In sorrowful drudgery, to obtain a scanty pittance of bread ;
In ignorance to view a small portion and think that all,
And call it Demonstration, blind to all the simple rules of life.

mercoledì, ottobre 07, 2015


«Viene un giorno in cui tutti gli uomini impazziranno e, vedendo uno che non è pazzo, lo assaliranno dicendogli: “Sei pazzo”, per il solo fatto che non è come loro»

Abba Antonio